1 Projects.LocationTable Arabian Gulf Al Khafji oil field located at Al-Khafji Area (Neutral Zone between Saudi Arabia & Kuwait)
2 Projects.Client Al-Khafji Joint Operations
3 Projects.Owner
Al Khafji
4 Projects.TypeOfParticipation Consortium
5 Projects.ContractValue 250,725,809 US$
6 Projects.Duration 4 Years
7 Projects.StartDate - Projects.EndDate 2007-06-01 Projects.To 2011-05-30
8 Projects.ProjectDescription

Install of 6 new platforms, modifications of 5 existing platforms, new sub-sea P/L’s – total length 110km sizes 28” / 36” / 42” and laying of 50 Km subsea cables.

9 Projects.ScopeOfWork


- Transportation of Six heavy Weight platforms from the fabrication yard in East Mediterranean to the installation site at Arabian Gulf 8 Round Trips each Trip = 4,500 Nm with total distance of 72,000 Nm

Structures Installation:

- Six platforms installation with total weight 17,000 tons ; Heaviest lift activities for 2 decks 3400 tons & 2400 tons using new installation technique for the first time in the middle east, This heavy-lift system is a catamaran system utilizing hydraulic winches which will lift fully integrated Structure from multiple lift points at the outboard side of the structure (opposed to traditional derrick barge lift).

- Flares Towers & Bridges for 2 P/F Supported with 4 Tripods

Pipe Lines Laying :

- Installation of 7 Off-shore Pipe lines Automatic welding with different diameters between 24”,28”,36” & 42” with overall length of 110 KM with 2 Pipe Lines with Shore approach.

Cables Laying :

Installation of 13 Sub Marine Cables with hold back arrangement & cathodic protection

10 Projects.MarineVesselsUsedInTheProject -
11 Projects.WorkVolume
  Discerption comments
Water Depth 0 - 50 m - - -
No. Of Plat forms 6 Total weight 17,000 tons
No. Of Pipe lines 7 Pipe lines Total Length 110 Km
Cables 13 Total Length 50 Km