1 Projects.LocationTable Arabian Gulf SFNY Field, BRRI Field, MRJN Field & ZULF Field
2 Projects.Client Arab Company for Projects & Maint. (APM)
3 Projects.Owner
4 Projects.TypeOfParticipation Sub-Contractor
5 Projects.ContractValue 107,000,000 US$
6 Projects.Duration 3 Years
7 Projects.StartDate - Projects.EndDate 2008-01-01 Projects.To 2011-01-01
8 Projects.ProjectDescription

He Project lies in the safaniya, Berri, Marjan & Zuluf offshore oil fields while they are the largest offshore fields in the Arabian Gulf. Fabrication, Transportation & Installation of offshore pipelines, cables & ICCP Anode Sleds.

9 Projects.ScopeOfWork

1-Survey :

- Pre & Post Construction Survey.

- As-Laid Survey - ROV Monitoring Survey during operation

2-Fabrication, Transportation & installation of :

- 5 Subsea Valve Skids.

- 5 Risers.

- 2 Alignment Frames - 188 Shrouds.

- 8 Shallow Water Markers

3-Pipe Lines Laying :

Laying of 17 Pipelines (total length of 78.5 km) at different fields (SFNY, BRRI, MRJN & ZULF) with various diameters (12”, 16”, 24” & 30”)
4-Pipelines Tie-in :

Pipelines Tie-In to Platforms using 130 Spools & 5 Risers

5-Pipelines Testing :

Pigging & Hydro-testing for all the Pipelines In-Line Base Line for 13 Pipelines

6-Cables Laying :

Laying of 10 Power Cables (total length of 58.9km) at different fields (SFNY, BRRI & MRJN) 7-ICCP Installation : 9 ICCP Anode Sleds installation

10 Projects.MarineVesselsUsedInTheProject

1-PMS-12 -          600 Tons Derrick Pipe Laying Barge

2-PMS-MAYO      DPII DSV Sat Diving

3-PMS-44            Cargo Barge

4-PMS-32            AHTS

5-PMS-4              Tug Boat

6-PMS-5              Tug Boat

7-Other rented marine vessels

11 Projects.WorkVolume
  Discerption comments
Water Depth 25 - 50 m - - -
No. Of Pipe lines 17 Pipe lines Total Length 78.5 Km
Cables 10 Total Length 50 Km