1 Projects.LocationTable Mediterranean Sea
2 Projects.Client Petrobel
3 Projects.Owner
Petrobel / Eni
4 Projects.TypeOfParticipation Main Contractor
5 Projects.ContractValue 27,000,000 US$
6 Projects.Duration 8 months
7 Projects.StartDate - Projects.EndDate 2022-04-10 Projects.To 2023-11-06
8 Projects.ProjectDescription

1- Trenching & Beach Pull activities

2- Laying Internal Cladding 14” Pipe Line from PP-2 to Petreco onshore to maximize crude oil production in the Belayim fields in the Patreco area.

9 Projects.ScopeOfWork

Trenching activities  

Trenching activities & causeway construction + Access road + construction of pulling winch base, Excavation ,beach pulling operation, backfilling activities cause way removal and site reinstatement

Internal Cladding Pipe Line Laying Activities

Receiving line pipes @ Ain Sokhna Offshore transportation of line pipes from Ain Sokhna port to PMS-12 at Belayim Field Survey for Barge anchors positions before deployment Pre-crossing installation  Shore pull and normal Laying for 14” P/L from Petrico shore area to PP-2 P/F with total length 10.7 Km.

Diving Activities Supporting Pipe Line Laying

Monitoring for touch down point during laying Free span rectification Stabilization Mattresses installation

Pipe Line Tie in:

14” Riser installation at PP-2 P/F Install 14” spools (4 Non Metrology+1 Metrology spools)

Pipe Line Tie in :

Pigging , Leak test & hydro-test 

10 Projects.MarineVesselsUsedInTheProject

1- PMS-12 Derrick Pipe Laying Barge utilized in the project for Automatic Pipe line laying

2- PMS-17 DPII Derrick Barge utilized in the project for Pigging & Tie in Activities

3- PMS-11 Derrick Pipe Laying Barge utilized in the project for Free Span Activities

4- PMS-31 AHTS

5-5 Rented Supply Vessel / AHTS

11 Projects.WorkVolume
  Discerption comments
Water Depth 0 - 40 m - - -
No. Of Pipe lines 1 Pipe lines Length 10.7 Km
Riser Installation 14” Riser 1 Riser
Spools Installation 14” spools 5 spools