1 Projects.LocationTable West Delta / Mediterranean sea
2 Projects.Client Burullus Gas Company
3 Projects.Owner
Burullus Gas Company / Shell
4 Projects.TypeOfParticipation EPIC
5 Projects.ContractValue $ 40,024,768
6 Projects.Duration 468 Days
7 Projects.StartDate - Projects.EndDate 2023-09-27 Projects.To 2025-01-20
8 Projects.ProjectDescription

The work of Laying the submarine electrical cables for the WDDM Phase X project, affiliated to Burullus Gas Company, in an unprecedented achievement, and is a pure Egyptian cooperation between local entities owned by the private and public sectors.

Using the PMS MAYO and PMS Burullus offshore units in Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) and using WROVs, PMS-PMT was able to complete the Laying of 2 Deepwater power cables at depths of up to 660 meters with global Laying rates.

9 Projects.ScopeOfWork


-Jumper fabrication & Installation 

-Mud mate fabrication & Installation

-Installation of EFL & HFL

-Cable laying sequence engineering


-3 Jumpers -4 Mud mate


- Power Cable from Norway to Alex port

•Construction & Installation work:

a. Sepia-1 Well     WD:  550M

- Jumper Fabrication & Installation

- Installation of 2 EFL

- Installation of 1 HFL

b. Sapsat-3 Well            WD:  450M

- Power Cable Installation (2 KM) From SAPSAT 3 XT to W19 PLET

- Jumper Installation

- EDM Mud Mate Installation

- Installation of 3 x 2 EFL

- Installation of 1 HFL

c. Seagull West-1          WD: 660M

- Power Cable Installation (5 KM).

From W76 DC UTA to EDM Close to W20 TS UTA

- Jumper Installation

- EDM Mud Mate Installation

- Installation of 4 x 2 EFL

- Installation of 1 HFL

10 Projects.MarineVesselsUsedInTheProject

1- PMS-MAYO DPII DSV Utilized in the Cables laying

2- PMS-BURULLUS Construction Vessel With 100 Tons Active Heave Crane Utilized in the project for Work Class ROV Activities

11 Projects.WorkVolume
  Dimension Weight
Water Depth From 450 m to 660 m ..............
Jumpers 3* 25 m ..............
Cable Laying 5.5 KM & 2.08 KM ..............
Commissioning assistance 3 days Commissioning assistance of each well ..............