1 Projects.LocationTable Port saied/ Mediterranean sea
2 Projects.Client Petrobel
3 Projects.Owner
Petrobel / ENI
4 Projects.TypeOfParticipation Offshore contractor for Installation and constriction
5 Projects.ContractValue 365,000,000 US$
6 Projects.Duration 2 Years
7 Projects.StartDate - Projects.EndDate 2016-10-01 Projects.To 2018-11-01
8 Projects.ProjectDescription

Shore pull & Laying of Seven P/Ls with total length 170.2km

Zohr CCP/F Transp. & Installation with total weight 3760 ton

9 Projects.ScopeOfWork

• Construction of two Cofferdams with total length 1320m:

- Two cause ways with length 540m & width 10m each.

- Two cause ways with length 780m & width 15m each.

- Drive 4400 sheet piles with lengths 12m, 18m & 24m

- Excavate two trench with total length 1320m (540m & 780m and width 20m & 36m)

- Reinstatement of work site, (Remove cause ways, Recover Sheet piles & Back filling for Trench)

• Shore pull & Laying of Seven P/Ls with total length 170.2km:

- Two P/L’s 30” each with length 19.5km.

- One 26” P/L with length 19.5km.

- Two P/L’s 14” with length 31.5km & 2.2km.

- Two P/L’s 8” each with length 39km

• Zohr CCP/F Transp. & Installation with total weight 3760 ton:

- Jacket structure (1900 ton)

- Main Deck & Helideck (1860 ton)

- Topsides & hook-up Activities

10 Projects.MarineVesselsUsedInTheProject

1-PMS-12 Derrick Pipe Laying Barge utilized in Automatic Pipe line laying

2-PMS-MAYO DPII DSV Utilized in Diving & Sub Sea Activities


4-PMS-26 Launch

5-Rented Marine Vessels

11 Projects.WorkVolume
--------- Dimension Weight
Water Depth From 0 m to 450 m ---------
Two cause way length 540m & width 10m each ---------
Two cause way length 780m & width 15m each 7 Months
(7) Seven P/Ls 30” / 26” / 14” / 8” Total length 170.2km
Jacket structure 7 Months 1900 ton
Main Deck & Helideck --------- (1860 ton)